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NEW ROOTX ROOT KILLER PACKAGING - Funnel Packaging Now Available

Our NEW RootX Funnel Jars are now available. The new packaging includes a permanent vertical plastic divider. This integrated plastic divider keeps the root killing ingredient and the foaming agent completely separated until you are ready to use. In addition, the new jars are square. This shape greatly increases the structural integrity and strength of the product packaging. The new packaging also has a threaded lid for the funnel attachment. This funnel allows you to mix and apply the product directly from the container. This reusable funnel includes a cap and easily screws on the top of the square jar providing for easy mixing and mess free application process. For more information on product application with the funnel, check out ourNEW RootX Foaming Root Killer Funnel application videos.


RootX Root Killer In Sewer Pipes:

  • More Environmentally Friendly alternative to other methods or other harsh chemicals
  • Does not harm above-ground vegetation
  • Prevents drain line blockage
  • Easy to use
  • Eliminates tree root removal emergencies
  • Eliminates pipe replacements or expensive repairs
  • Safe for all plumbing

RootX Root Killer in Septic Systems and Leach Fields:

  • Improves drain field percolation
  • Extends the life of your drain lines and field
  • Enhances septic bacteria growth
  • Protects septic system from a tree root cap
  • Cost effective and easy to use